After years of using cobbled-together, disheveled shelters for the laying flock, I’ve decide it is time to build a substantial shelter. Three years ago a neighbor down the road gave us his old trailer. He custom built it for for raising pigs so it had a shelter at one end and slatted wood decking. The decking was rotted out, but we removed the shelter, bolted it to skids, and it has served us as a portable farrowing hut. The trailer meanwhile languished in the weeds, acquiring a fine lichen patina.
This week we dragged it out and the kids helped me remove the decking. They appreciate projects that allow them to beat and bash things without fear of provoking parental vexation.
I didn’t like how the axles were positioned in the middle of the trailer, making it too tippy. Since the axles are mounted on an angle iron carriage, I was able to cut the welds and then drag the entire subframe to the rear before welding it back in place.
The mobile home tires are mismatched and covered in dry rot cracks. But since this trailer will only see light loading and low speed travel, I’ll leave them alone for now.
The project is now on hold as we wait for for decking and other materials to arrive in a day or two.