The 6 foot wide strip garden we put in this summer is about finished producing.
We have some late tomatoes still coming on, the popcorn and sunflowers are drying on their stalks, and the coriander seeds are maturing.
This past week a chicken got run over on the road. The considerate man got out of his dump truck to tell us about it. Turns out he was removing manure from a neighbor’s winter cow barn.
We ended up getting three loads of very rich dirt to spread over the garden.
We have also been harvesting buckets and buckets of apples.
In our side yard and in the hedgerows between the fields, we have many apple trees.
So plentiful is the harvest
that not only have we put up applesauce, apples and dehydrated slices for ourselves,
we have gathered many pounds of them to share with our pigs.
The kids have enjoyed playing in the fields while we pick.
4 thoughts on “Compost and Apple Harvest”
Thank you for sharing!
India* sent from my iPhone
What beautiful pictures!!!
I wish I was helping you pick apples! My people aren’t very interested in apple picking, so I may just go by myself. 🙂
Would love to have you pick with us!