Wednesday July 21st, 7PM until Dark
Wrong Direction Farm
431 Seebers Ln, Canajoharie, NY 13317
Upcoming farmer-to-farmer event here at Wrong Direction Farm. On Wednesday, July 21st we’ll be hosting a pasture walk, focusing primarily on pasture management in our context for our chickens and turkeys. We raise Certified Organic, pasture raised poultry on our farm, along with grazing a herd of grass fed beef cattle. We sell a portion of our meat directly to customers in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New England. A growing portion of our business is partnering with other farms to provide them chicken and turkey to resell.
The walk begins at 7pm and we’ll go until dark, or as long as you’d like to hang around talking about birds and pasture! We’ll discuss brooding, feeding, labor productivity, season extension, and whatever topics interest the group. Join us for a chance to make connections with other farmers here in Upstate NY. Let’s learn from each other.
All are welcome, whether you currently have poultry on your farm or not.

Looking for a pastured poultry farm but outside of our home delivery area? Check our guide to finding pasture raised poultry.
Update after the event
We had a great time and thank everyone who attended. These sorts of events consistently provide a pleasant opportunity to talk to other pasture farmers. I always find that I’ve learned a thing or two. I know I benefit from looking at my farm through someone else’s eyes. Please get in touch if you’d like to be apprised of future pasture walks.
I tried my best to publicize this event. Thanks to all the organizations that helped spread the word, including NOFA-NY, NOFA-VT, Cornell Small Farms, Farm Wrangler, and Beginning Farmers.