CSAs deliveries are wrapping up for the season. Â This is our second year working with the Montclair CSA. Â For anyone living in Essex County, NJ, we have high praise for them. Â We feel fortunate to work with folks who are so supportive.
It is no shocking revelation to observe that our culture seems to push us all toward sectarianism.  If we choose to be either paleo carnivores or vegans, we feel pressured to close ranks and demonize those who make food choices different than ours.  This isn’t a new topic for me, but it has been on my mind a lot lately.  So I want to take the opportunity to thank the Montclair CSA specifically, but also to generally thank anybody out there who is willing to step across the divide and treat people well, even if those other folks are making different food choices.  It is a big deal to farmers like us who are trying to do right as we understand it.

We’re starting investigate additional CSAs and drop-off points for regular deliveries to Northern NJ next season. Â If you want to talk about getting a drop-off in your neighborhood, please send a note to me at wrong.direction.farm@gmail.com. Â Thanks!
1 thought on “Grateful”
Sorry I never made it to the CSA to see you, dear friend, but glad to have bumped into you in other places this summer 🙂 We’ll be in touch soon about more beef!!