We’re rolling out new boxes for our home delivery orders of grass fed and pasture raised meat. I realize the idea of custom-printed boxes is nothing revolutionary, but it sure feels like a big accomplishment for us.
Here’s a look at the new boxes. If you place an order starting this weekend, you’ll have one of these show up on your doorstep:

I worked with an artist to adapt photos into sketches. We began with a whole folder of pictures our chickens and turkeys out on the pastures. I’m sure I drove her a little nuts with my request. I wanted to represent the birds and to tie their images to the way we integrate poultry within the larger ecosystem of our farm’s perennial grass pastures. For us, grass fed and pasture raised aren’t just marketing ploys; they are critical parts of an agricultural system that regenerates the soil and biological life of our farmland. Hence the drawing shows grass underfoot and the curved surface of earth to hint that there is much more going on below the ground.
Here’s the evolution from my first prototype to the finished artwork:

I’m pleased with the look of the boxes and consider them to be a tremendous improvement over plain cardboard boxes with stickers.

Thanks to our friends Karen and Brad for the use of their beautiful front porch for the photoshoot. Do you have any pictures of the places our boxes end up? If so, please share a photo of your box on Instagram and let us know @WrongDirectionFarm.