August 2021

Why We Don’t Raise “Vegetarian Fed” Chickens

Looking through the supermarket selection of chicken cuts and eggs, you’ve likely noticed the claim on the packaging “100% Vegetarian Diet” or something similar. A question came to me, “What’s the deal with vegetarian fed chickens and should I care?” Great question. Let’s look further. I won’t hold you in indefinite narrative suspense. Chickens are

Why We Don’t Raise “Vegetarian Fed” Chickens Read More »

A Better Way To Bring Feed To Chickens On Pasture

Here at Wrong Direction Farm every week we serve up two tons of organic feed to the chickens out on pasture. Getting the feed out to the birds has always been a challenge, especially when the chickens are on pastures far from the road. We have tried all sorts of methods for bringing the feed

A Better Way To Bring Feed To Chickens On Pasture Read More »

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