$30,000 Worth of Veggies

Not long after Dave pulled into a produce wholesaler to pick up our weekly load of mushy produce, a man approached offering a tractor trailer load of veggies.  The trucker’s reefer had malfunctioned on his trip up from Georgia and his whole load had been frozen: he needed to find a place to dump it.

He arrived at our place around 8:00pm that night.  With our backhoe and some chains, we pulled off each pallet, stacked high with boxes of veggies. It wasn’t that simple, of course. It took close to three hours.

The next morning, this is the scene that greeted us.

beginning of day


And it took all morning to dump,

harry atop

break down and stack up each box.

time out 4 temperature log

We took a break to inspect the temperature log we found.

It showed that the trailer dipped down to 23 degrees F just hours after loading.

kids atop

In the end, we had an impressive pile.

big pile o veggies

It would be a waste of time and energy to get it to the pigs way out in the pasture,

comn up

so we decided to build a lane and lure the pigs up to their winter quarters for the feast.

pigs going up

It proved to be much easier to scoop and dump here.

cascade of veggies

We anticipate they will have access to this place for two weeks

pile in winter quarters better

while they gorge themselves.

piglet w watermelon

During that evening of work when the trucker and his wife helped us to unload the hundreds of boxes, we found tucked away at the very front a pallet stacked high with boxes of watermelon. We headed straight for the kitchen to get a knife and together broke open the delicious melon.  The next morning we enjoyed another one.  And the next.


Well, wouldn’t you?

2 thoughts on “$30,000 Worth of Veggies”

  1. This is GREAT!!

    Texts can never tell what these photos have- WOW!

    Thanks for inviting us in.

    Love you!

    India* sent from my iPhone

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