Remember when Han Solo yelled at C3PO, “Hurry up, goldenrod”? That always struck me as a strange word choice, considering that the story happened in a galaxy far, far away and especially considering that the characters in question were on an ice planet.
The cattle would love to hurry up and get out of the goldenrod and back into nice pastures. They look askance at me and mutter imprecations under their ruminating breath. I just keep reminding them that this is for their own good. Next year when they come back to this pasture, they’ll find abundant grass and clover because they are doing such a good job of trampling the goldenrod while searching for edible plants in the understory. Maybe this year’s beef will have a nice complexity of flavor due to the goldenrod.
Just two more weeks and we’ll knock out this goldenrod and they’ll be in some great looking clover-filled pastures. In the meantime, hurry up!