After a protracted wet period, the dry weather of the previous days unleashed bottled up activity on the farm. We tilled the garden and started planting, got a load of pigs to the butcher, pounded fence posts, moved the cattle to a new pasture with temporary fencing, rounded up the cattle after they broke out of said fencing, and harrowed and planted the pigs’ summer pasture. And now it is raining again.

I’ve had wildly varying success with broadcast seeding brassicas and Dwarf Essex Rape in particular. I am sure that I could seed at a lower rate and germinate at a higher rate with a drill and a cultipacker. But this is an experiment. If it works well, investing in better ground working equipment (or hiring out the service) might be justified. This is the first time I’ve followed the pigs with a disc; in the past I’ve just overseeded paddocks that the pigs churned up.
If it works, I’ll post some pictures later in the season. If it doesn’t, I’ll ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen.