The gardens are flourishing,
and we have been enjoying the bounty.
I haven’t harvested enough to begin any large scale canning,
but the tomatoes are just starting to turn red. If we get a few more warm days, I’ll be making sauce soon.
We have harvested enough to fill our plates and put a few cans of fermented goodness away.
A pepper relish.
A corn treat.
Loads of pickles.
Carrots and Pole Beans.
And we’ve been experimenting with jams and jellies.
We picked 50 pounds of blueberries at
in Cooperstown
and our crab apple trees are loaded.
Blueberry with balsamic vinegar and black pepper,
blueberry with cinnamon and amaretto,
crab apple with brandy and
crab apple with cinnamon and whiskey.
I am growing calendula flowers and recently made calendula oil.
Dave has been processing apples by the 5 gallon bucket.
We packed away a dozen apple crisps into the freezer,
and he has begun dehydrating the slices now.
4 thoughts on “Preserving”
So beautiful. So much work, but so fulfilling, I’m sure!
I am drooling! Everything sounds (and looks) so good!
crab apple jelly is wonderful on the
roasters and hams 🙂
Beautiful! Great job!!
India* sent from my iPhone