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Can I Love a Summer Swarm of Flies?
Then Athena held up her aegis, the bane of mortals, on high from the roof, and the minds of the wooers were panic-stricken, and they fled through the halls like a herd of cattle that the darting gad-fly falls upon ...
Buttermilk Fried Chicken Drumsticks with Lemon and Thyme
When dividing up a chicken, my druthers always go to the dark meat. So this week’s recipe from Chef Katy has a special place in my hierarchy of reliably great meals. Fried chicken drumsticks are a delight. By long tradition, ...
What Does Grass Finished Beef Really Mean?
The term “grass-fed” has been used often enough that most people come to us with at least a general idea that this is the kind of beef they’ve been looking for. But there’s another term we like to use: “grass ...
Farming without Outrage
A farming friend sent me a provocatively written news story that was almost perfectly calculated to rile us both up. As will become clear, my purpose here is not to debate or to dispute that story. But for a brief ...
Walking With Someone Who Knows Something Different
This week we hosted a forest survey workshop. Our local USDA agent asked if they could use our small parcel of woodland as a training opportunity for the staff from the surrounding field offices. That was fine with me. So ...
Miso Butter Chicken Bowl with Red Lentils, Sweet Potatoes, and Pickled Onions
This week’s recipe from Chef Katy uses our pasture raised, Certified Organic chicken breasts in a simple miso butter preparation. Katy included some suggestions for a great medley of side dishes, but of course there are plenty of other pairings ...
Beef Liver Is Out of Stock, and Why That’s OK
Currently, our beef liver is out of stock. Someone wrote to ask me about that. It was a fine question I was happy to answer, but it got me thinking about some of the logistics of a farm-centric supply chain. ...
Cows vs Lawnmowers
Our lawnmower is broken, and I’ve been stuck waiting a few weeks, held up by slow-to-arrive parts. Meanwhile the grass is growing quickly. On a grazing farm, a lawn full of grass can be an opportunity. Rachel moved the cattle ...
Grass Fed Beef Meatloaf with a Blistered Cherry Tomato Relish
Here’s an updated version of a home cooking classic. The meatloaf itself comes together as a pretty simple meal featuring our grass fed ground beef. The blistered tomato topping makes a delightful companion. Enjoy!
How We Brace Fences for Stability
Think about what happens when we’re stretching tight wire fence across the farm. You can probably imagine that the wires create a tremendous pulling force on the fence posts at each end of the line. Here’s video I shot a ...