Dave Perozzi

TurFOMO Marketing

I’ve been receiving questions about Thanksgiving turkey orders, so here’s the broadcast message: Turkeys for Thanksgiving sales will be listed on Nov 1st. Simple enough, right? Marketing experts tell me I should make this into a launch event, with a steady email campaign to build up excitement, a frenzied, almost panicky tone to my communications, …

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Wrong Season

By the old milkhouse we have a prolific crabapple. Every year a few of its buds bloom in the fall. Each hapless flower is a defiance, no mild acceding to inevitable winter. We smile seeing in each one an impudent opening of hope. All good stories have a doomed protagonist.


We’ve been taking pictures of the tom turkeys as they’ve grown and become more photogenic (in their peculiar blue-faced, snoody, wattly, caruncly way), but we haven’t gotten around to posting them. So I’ll unload a bunch of turkey pictures all at once. Enjoy!

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